Seg Funds vs Mutual Funds: A Comprehensive Guide for Business Owners in New Brunswick

Seg Funds vs Mutual Funds: A Comprehensive Guide for Business Owners in New Brunswick

Seg Funds vs Mutual Funds: A Comprehensive Guide for Business Owners in New BrunswickMike Plume
Published on: 24/09/2024

In this blog we will look at the differences between segregated funds and mutual funds, with an eye towards business owners.

Spotlight on - IA Financial Group

Spotlight on - IA Financial Group

Spotlight on - IA Financial GroupMike Plume
Published on: 16/07/2024

In this blog we will look at who IA FInancial Group is, where they came from, and where they are headed.

Using Seg Funds in a TFSA for Final Expenses

Using Seg Funds in a TFSA for Final Expenses

Using Seg Funds in a TFSA for Final ExpensesMike Plume
Published on: 12/07/2024

In this blog we will look at the benefits of using segregated funds within a TFSA to save for final expenses. This strategy works well when life insurance isn't a viable option.

Segregated Funds, a Senior's Best Friend

Segregated Funds, a Senior's Best Friend

Segregated Funds, a Senior's Best FriendMike Plume
Published on: 09/07/2024

In this blog we will look at the benefits of segregated funds for seniors, especially relating to guarantees and advantages for estate planning.